has an extensive background of education, training, research and practice
in numerous areas surrounding neurotechnology (since 1994), and, in particular,
neurofeedback. Nora underwent intensive training with EEG Spectrum in
1997 and closely mentored with Dr. Siegfried and Susan Othmer, respected pioneers
in the field of neurofeedback. Nora continues diligently to remain abreast
of advancements in the field and operates with the newest in neurofeedback
technology and advanced neurofeedback protocols in her clinical practice.
Nora’s additional background includes assisting in clinical neurofeedback work at ”A Chance To Grow”; in Minneapolis, MN—a unique state subsidized charter school devoted to working with a challenging variety of learning disorders and other issues utilizing numerous innovative and progressive therapies including dietary intervention and Neurofeedback. She also ran the Midwest office for EEG Spectrum, the world’s largest Neurofeedback organization, assisting with regional training courses, equipment sales, public education, regional professional support and expansion in the Midwest and Canada. In addition, she served as secretary and board member for the non-profit organization, Center For Self Regulation in Minneapolis, MN. Nora is certified as a Neurofeedback Specialist (CNS) via the nationally recognized Neurotherapy and Biofeedback Certification Board.
In the summer of 2000 Nora relocated to the Pacific Northwest where she served as clinical supervisor for one of the busiest and most successful Neurofeedback clinics in the country, The Center For Attention and Learning in Eugene, OR, under the direction of Matthew Fleischman, PhD. There she successfully worked with a very broad variety of individuals with a wide range of issues, challenges and symptoms. Nora personally ran 40-50 sessions per week, logging thousands of hours of clinical experience in addition to other responsibilities and duties which included making numerous protocol decisions, overseeing the work of staff technicians and progress of other clients. Nora additionally offers education and counseling in areas of dietary management and is nationally Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition© by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals and is also certified via the Nutritional Therapy Association as a Nutritional Therapist (CNT). She has published a successful book entitled: ”Primal Body—Primal Mind: Empower Your Total Health The Way Evolution Intended (…And Didn't)” that has received acclaim from clients and professionals alike, including an enthusiastic endorsement from Thom Hartmann, noted author of several books on ADD, (including one on permanent exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. for its contribution to medicine) and Julia Ross, best selling author of The Mood Cure and The Diet Cure, and head of The Recovery Systems Clinic in Mill Valley, CA. Nora’s book has also received an impressive endorsement from Dr. Mark Steinberg, clinical neuropsychologist, author of ”ADD: The 20-Hour Solution”; and NBC medical consultant and Dr. Siegfried Othmer, Chief Scientist of The EEG Institute. Nora has served as a paid guest speaker on the subject of Paleolithic nutrition at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, OR as part of their nutrition lecture series. She has also been hired by the State of Washington Institute of Mental Health to create training videos on the subject of Nutrition and Mental Health for State mental health care workers on all levels. She has also been invited as a guest expert in both nutritional science and neurofeedback on televised and radio interviews.
Nora opened Northwest Neurofeedback in Portland, OR in January of 2003—a practice devoted to self-empowerment through training neurological self-regulation and principle-based dietary education/therapy.
Nora was the host of her own radio program on Voice America’s Health and Wellness channel (Primal Body-Primal Mind Radio)! Listen to her unique perspectives on a variety of fascinating subjects surrounding the field of neurofeedback and nutrition! (iTunes)